Podcast from the Edge: Talking Common Sense
This is a podcast for those who love to talk common sense about not only interesting lifestyle topics, but also political issues in CT. You will listen to a variety of guests that will share common sense ideas and news about what's happening at the State Capitol.
State politics is a reflection of Local politics
For any comments, questions or suggestions for future topics, please contact the show:stand4commonsense@outlook.com
Podcast from the Edge: Talking Common Sense
Episode 9: What is being taught to our children?- Part One
Contact Tom on email: ichistory2021@gmail.com
You can also listen to Tom once a month on CT's Christian Radio Station WIHS with host Jerry Williams at 8am.
This is a podcast for those who love to talk common sense about everyday issues. You will listen to a variety of guests that share common sense ideas through their life experiences by sharing what they learned. For any comments, questions or suggestions for future topics, please contact the show at: stand4commonsense@outlook.com
Song title: Upbeat Indie Folk Music
Music by Lesfm from Pixabay
MizzyM: 0:29
Hi. Welcome to another episode of Podcast From the Edge Talking Common Sense. We could all use a little bit of common sense these days, can't we? This is your host, Manju, and I thank you so much for listening. In today's episode, we have a very interesting guest who will talk about the role of Marxism in education. So lean back. Get relaxed and enjoy the show. Hi Tom, how are you today?
Tom: 1:03
Hi thank you for having us and uh, we appreciate being here on your podcast.
MizzyM: 1:09
Yes, and welcome to Debbie. Good morning. Good morning to you. So you both have a company called the Institute of Connecticut History and. I was thinking we could probably start off by telling the audience, how is it you got involved in discussing or learning about, I should say, um, CRT critical race thinking(theory)?
Tom: 1:37
Well, uh, because of our interest in history, um, you know, I went, uh, I got a degree in history and. um, been lecturing and, um, speaking all around the state, giving tours of Connecticut history. And, um, so when we first heard of Critical race theory, um, we saw that how, um, how much error was in it, like, and how it didn't, um, relate with the historical record of Connecticut or America or anything they're talking about. And, um, it was easy to uncover their, their motive, um, that they have an agenda, why they're teaching children, uh, critical race theory. And, um, so, um, before I, I get into that, I always like to tell, uh, my audience like where I'm coming from and we have a, um, Judeo Biblical. Judeo-Christian view of history. Um, you know, we see history as, um, a conflict between good and evil. You know, and that's what the historical record always shows if you're looking at it. Um, right in the belief, uh, uh, of God. You know, it's either history is the conflict of the ages. It's either revealing the hand of God in his administrations and human event for the redemption of mankind, or it's revealing the prince of this world and his machinations in human events for the destruction of mankind or the damnation of mankind. And so, um, you know, just, uh, a couple of scriptures that show that, uh, Paul, when he was preaching to the Athenians, um, said this, he said, the Lord of heaven and earth has made of one all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth. And that determined the times before appointed in the bounds of their habitation that they should seek the Lord if happily they might fi feel after him and find him. And then another place, he said, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, the God of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places. So he, and he said, I find then a law that when I do good, evil is present with me. So whatever God is trying to do, um, in any generation, evil is there to combat it, you know? Right. And, and, uh, just looking at, um, American history from, from our founding, like you can see the good that God was trying to do, you know, the development of liberty and freedom. And from the, the time the first settlers arrived here in 1607, um, they, they had a, um, a biblical Judeo-Christian consensus of what is good and evil. Not all of them were Christians throughout all that period, but there was a consensus, um, that what was good and evil, um, was described in the scriptures and people had that as a standard. And that all changed in the 1960. where, um, we became a, uh, uh, a nation that had a secular humanist consensus of what good, what it was, good and evil. So that secular humanism has, um, uh, progressed into what they call progressivism. And today we have, um, this force of democratic socialism, which is pushing towards Marxism. And really critical race theory is a product of. Okay.
MizzyM: 5:34
Well, uh, do you mind if I sort of push back on it just for the other side. Let's, okay. Um, you, you, you know, when we talk about good and evil and everything, some on the progressive left, let's say, they may say, well, we see American history or the country of America as being evil because of what has happened to a lot of people in the country. Like the African Americans, they went through slavery. You have the complete annihilation of, uh, the American Indians, the Native Americans, you know, how they were slaughtered, you know, in the history. So what if they flip that argument around? and it they show, well, this was the evil that was going on, and we're trying to get rid of that evil by talking about a new history. Well, and showing, you know, right. For them it's, you know. I, I, I, that's a way of goodness, you know..reparations, you know?
Tom: 6:34
Right, right. I I I see that Right. You know, well, the thing is, you, you gotta put every generation in their context, you know, um, um,America was a, was a founded in a time when slavery was ubiquitous. It was everywhere in the world. There was no continent on earth that, that slavery didn't exist and, um, the, the Atlantics slave trade was a horrible thing. Right, right. But, um, you know, over that period, um, tens of millions of slaves came across the Atlantic, but only a small percentage of them actually ended up in the British colonies that is now the United States. Right. At least like five to 10%. And, and remember those slaves were enslaved in Africa. That's right. Africa had a, um, had a history, um, and a culture that was intricate, um, involved in slavery. So, uh, so you're, you're not, you know, you're not seeing correctly that, you know, that point of view is not showing that freedom actually develop. In the United States, political freedom, religious freedom, and eventually, uh, slavery was destroyed by a civil war that cost the lives of tens of, uh, thousands of American, uh, soldiers. Right? So, so, um, and, and also the idea that it's, uh, the idea, uh, that America slaughtered the Indians like that, that that's, um, when you look at the history and you get down to it, it wasn't that simple. When, when the, when the pilgrims came here and, and critical race theorists say that the, the, the, uh, the Europeans invaded this continent. Well, the first, uh, Europeans to come on the Mayflower. There was only a, about a hundred of them, and only 50 survived the first winter. And they actually created, uh, a treaty with the Wampanoag Indians that lasted 50 years. And the, the, the, um, the English didn't break the treaty. The Indians broke the treaty. When, when the whites came to Connecticut, when the English came to Connecticut, they were invited by the Indians that lived in the Hartford area, the Middletown area, to come and settle in Connecticut to be a buffer between them and the Indians that were persecuting them. The Pequots. Hmm. And so, so, and you, and you can see that in the, um, in the history of America, when you really see it, there isn't a, um, like they, they like to say that we were, we was, America was settled as a, a white supremacist, um, nation. That it's not the case. It, it really isn't. When you really look at, at the history of America, right.
Deb: 9:36
And if I could add something, one thing is also is that there's ideals in a, in American American history, you know, the ideals the founders laid down for us. You know that all men are created equal and that we have, uh, you know, a right to pursue happiness and, you know, our own, um, our own dreams. And, and they come true with the American ideals. Now, the ideals have never been met a hundred. There is, like Tom said, good and evil and the evil's always there, you know, uh, trying to ruin things, but it doesn't mean the ideals of America are bad. What we should, should do is teach. that the ideals of America to, to people and if they really know them, it's not freedom for all to do what they want. It's freedom to live a, a happy, useful life. You know what I mean? That's what the ideals point to,
MizzyM: 10:30
right? Yes. Well, just to be one more part of a devil's advocate, just, um, what if, um, you know, the Progressive left also has this view about Christianity. you know, and that Christianity's evil and the root of all evil, right? And the further we get away from that, the better off we are. Right? So it seems like a lot of the tenants of Christianity is trying to get knocked down a lot. Um, Unlike the other religions that are out there that feel the same way about family structure, the family unit. You know, if you look at Judaism and Islam and even Hinduism, it, there's a certain, uh, structure to the family unit, you know? Mm-hmm. that is being promoted and um, but for some reason it seems that the target has always been Christianity. Why do you think. there is this kind of abhorrent reaction towards Christianity from the progressive left
Tom: 11:34
Well, um, the, the, the thing, because we, we were founded on Christian principles, you know, and, and, um, and the, the truth of, of what Jesus taught is so powerful, you know, that the, the evil has since the beginning of Christianity has always, uh, attacked it, persecuted it, you know, um, and, and Jesus even said that, you know, um, that you, you know, if you're, if you're a true Christian to expect persecution because the light is shining into the darkness and, and the darkness can't abide, So it, it has to be put away in order for darkness to survive. So it's really, it's, it's really a spiritual battle. Between, you know, the, the really what's motivating them is pure evil, and it's going against what's purely good. Now, has America always lived up to what Jesus taught or, um, Jesus, Jesus' principles? Uh, no, of course not. But that, that doesn't take away from the fact that that light is there and that light is a to their, to their motives. See now the family unit, um, no matter what religion, um, that supports the family unit, unit is antithetical to, to communism or to critical, uh, you know, race theory, which is Marxist in its essence because the, in, in, in the communist, in the communist manifesto, Marx said that the. you know, that the, the, the, the children are actually, uh, belonged to the state. So, um, it's, it's a question of who's gonna be raising the children. Mm-hmm. So, um, that's right. You know, that, like Lincoln famously said that the. Political philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the political philosophy of the government in the next. So they have to capture the children's minds, and that's really what it, what, you know what, what the goal of critical race theory is, is to, you know, um, well there's several goals, but fundamentally they want to, uh, transform America into. um, into a socialist state. you know, and, uh, if you remember in, uh, Barack Obama's, uh, first inaugural, he, he, he, he promised that he would fundamentally change America, but he didn't complete the sentence because it would sound too radical. But what he meant was into a socialized, centralized state, controlled by an elite group of technocrats, undergirded by a monstrous bureaucracy that will guide us. The utopia of social justice inequity. Now, originally, Karl Marx, the father of communism, built his idea on the theory of class conflict. He believed that industrial societies would come to a crisis because of the imbalance of power between the owners, owners of capital and the workers. So his solution, Was inciting revolutions that would overthrow the capitalist privilege class and usher in a new socialist utopia. Now, the, the American Free Enterprise Economic System has provided enough opportunity, uh, for the advancement in upward mobility to keep the American dream alive. So it didn't really work in America. So, but, um, you know, you know the idea of class warfare. So after the close of the Cold War with the Soviets, a group of professors that self-identified as Marxists, I'm not, I'm not calling them Marxists, they called themselves Marxists in elite universities, particularly Columbia University in United States and Western Europe, recognized that the social and economic mobility of the American culture was a tremendous obstacle to the advancement of their revolut. So they substituted race for class and they hatched an intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism to incite racial conflict, calling it critical race theory. Hmm. Since then, it has been injected into governments, uh, bureaucratic agencies, universities, teacher training programs, diversity training programs, public, uh, public policy frameworks. Corporate policies and finally into the public school curriculum. They understand perfectly what Lincoln said about, um, you know, the political philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the political Flo philosophy of the government and the next, and so they're pressing critical race theory, uh, into as much of the social sciences as they can.
Deb: 16:42
That's right. You know?
MizzyM: 16:43
Yeah. Very interesting points here. You were talking about critical race theory and the goals in education. So could you name some of the goals that they're looking at?
Tom: 16:55
Sure. Okay. So, um, first of all, they wanna destroy the core principles of American democracy in, in the minds of the, of the next generations of Americans, the ideas of liberty, free speech, religious freedom, entrepreneurialism, that all has to go. Another goal is to disparage the free market and the capitalist. even though the, our, our economy has prospered and created goods and services and wealth for all economic classes unseen in history, that they have to disparage that in order to replace it, and they wanna rewrite the history of the United States. It's settlement, it's founding it's influence for good around the world to show it was settled and founded and perpetuated just to promote white supremacy, which is a. and they, they, they wanna radicalize. Another goal is to radicalize and fundamentally transform the educational system. Instead of teaching students how to think, they, the, uh, student, students are taught what to think. That's eliminating free speech and the free exchange of ideas. Another important, uh, goal is to radicalize gender theory. To disparage the idea of the nuclear family, one father, one mother producing children is undesirable as it presses against the idea, uh, that children belong to the state. So the, the, the idea of, of bringing and, um, and promoting transgenderism among children is high on their list because it not only affects the children that are being, uh, uh, it affects all the children around them to, to accept that as good. So that, and, and accepting that is good. Once, once a person accepts what they know is wrong and, and from their heart and from their soul and from their common sense, then they become malleable in, in, um, and they can be taught anything. So they're, they're preparing the next generations to accept socialism and Marxism as good and they're succeeding. If you pull, pull, uh, young people between the ages of 18 and 30, what is better? Capitalism or socialism? Most of them say socialism, like 70% of 'em. So they're winning that, that battle. So their goals are accomplished. What they're not telling kids is what communism. Has produced over the last century throughout the globe that over 94 million people have been murdered by communist revolutionary governments executed. And that tragic total doesn't include the tens of millions that were imprisoned and the billions that were impoverished by communism. So they're, they're hiding what's true and real about, uh, not only American history, but about world. Right.
MizzyM: 19:56
Exactly. And I think a, the reason why they go after younger minds, um, is because they're not working as of yet. So they're not paying taxes, you know, they're being still supported financially by their parents. So, of course, free things means good stuff, you know, and, uh, I think, uh, they, whoever's behind this in this country, I don't know what your viewpoints are. Is it the World Economic Forum? Is it, you know, China? I mean, whatever that main force is, that's causing this to, um, be thrust upon the young youth, um, in this country. I think that's, that's where they're getting it, you know? Um, yeah. They know that young kids always want things for free without any strings attached, but they don't realize there are strings attached. Your freedom. It's what's gonna be in the, you know, given up.
Tom: 20:59
So, uh, so where is it coming from? It came from elite universities. It was, and it was, um, it was, it took over the whole education system. So, um, if, if you wanna see this illustrated, listen to these statistics that show the comparative growth in the number of students, teacher and district administrators in our public school in the period between 2000 and 2019 Hmm. The number of students in America has increased by 7.6%. The number of teachers has increased 8.7%. Hmm. The number of district administrators has increased 87.6%. Oh my God. I know. So the, the, the, and that's from the, um, the US Department of Education, those statistics. The progressives have created the ultimate deep state in the administration of public education that billions of dollars are flowing in. Um, to the teachers unions and it goes, goes into shoring up the political foundation and lobbying e efforts of the administrators of our public education. There's so much time, money, and energy invest in, in indoctrinating teachers to indoctrinate our children. They're the gatekeepers of our education system. They're and ultimately the thought police of our society, and they've presided over dumbing down of our education. because they don't want the the students to, um, to know how to think. You know, like colleges today, uh, to pass a college course today, um, requires one third of the study time that it cost in, uh, to pass a course and it did in the sixties. So, and that idea, uh, is filtered down. They don't want children to. um, to, to have an intellectual curiosity. And they, so they took the rigor out of public education. What they want is people that will conform to, um, to, to what they're, what they're setting up. And they truly believe that it's ultimately for everybody's good. Like all, all communists do, all socialists do. All progressives do. But what are we progressing toward? You know, that's, but it comes down to this question, who owns America's children? By that I mean, who is in charge of their development, of their character? Who places within them, their moral values and their purpose? Who gives meaning to their lives and more? Most catastrophically, who decides to teach the children about their sexual development? So are these decisions the province of these professional educators who claim to be. If it, if it, if that's the case, then that means parents have abdicated their responsibility to these tremendously powerful and evil forces. You know, so children are in school between, in, uh, from the time they're in kindergarten till they graduate high school, they're there for 10,000 hours. So that's a lot of time to mold their minds to, and, um, and to enforce their podea. the, um, on the culture and the, and, and, uh, the direction of our culture in our government.
MizzyM: 24:23
Right. Well, I think unfortunately it's because you don't have one parent. that stays home like you did in the 1950s and sixties, or even in the 1970s, right? Um, then at, during that era, you had one parent that always stayed at home and you had one parent that went out to work. Now, when you have a two family income situation, it's very difficult to raise a child. Very difficult.
Deb: 24:49
Yeah. So, well, that was part of their plan too, you know, the whole women's lib movement that you, you, you can't be happy. Just raising children to raising children is not really important. It's more important to have a job and have a success and, and have a status in, in the, in the world, you know, because being a housewife or being a mother is not that important. So it, it was, it was a part of their plan, which is really sad because you know, now people are saying, well, the children are important, but we don't have time for them. You know, it's, it's really a sad situation there.
MizzyM: 25:24
Well, you also have young women now who say, well, I don't need to get married. I don't need to have children. I can be very happy by myself. I have a, a dog or a cat you know? Yeah. Um, I, I see a bunch of those on social media all the time, and I, I just think it's, uh, they're not thinking it through. Right. They really aren't.
Tom: 25:45
Well, they're indoctrinated. They've been gone through this public education system that's been progressive since the sixties, and and slowly their minds have been formed into, away from, um, what the, that nuclear idea of a nuclear family and the importance of the nuclear family.
Deb: 26:04
Yeah. There's a happiness in, know, having a family and that happiness also comes from, you know, knowing God because no matter what anybody believes in the whole, you know, the whole truth is God made us. In his image and life that says male and female and his happiness only comes, you know, comes to us. You know, by him. You know, there's, there is. You know, God has the meaning and the cause and the destiny and the destination of everyone who has ever begin given life and breath. you know, God wants you to know that life is both real and serious and purposeful and meaningful. Right? And, and, and that brings happiness,
Tom: 26:49
right? So, so removing God from the public school, and it happened so slowly. You know, it, it used to be that kids read the Bible in the public school, they understood the commandments, the 10 Commandments were posted in the public school walls, you know, and, um, like, and, and so that there, there wa there was a. But once God was expelled from the school, they had to replace it with another religion that would make people feel good. So the idea of social justice, social equity, I'm doing good for others and, and anybody who, um, you know, so, so they've turned religion into the enemy and, and their secular, um, humanistic ideas of what social justice is, and social equity has pushed, um, Christian virtues right out the door. So w what is it gonna take to turn that around? What it, you know, you can't, like Jesus said, you know, uh, the, the idea that, you know, parents can't, don't have time and don't have, um, you know, uh, the means. uh, to, to raise their kids and they abdicate their responsibility to the school hoping that the school will do a good job. The, the, it's like Jesus said that, you know, seek first the kingdom of, of heaven and everything will be added to you. God will make a way, you know, God will make a way for people to raise their children properly. If, if they're, if, but it costs something. It's a lot of work. It's it either. you know, um, giving up things so the kids can go to a school where it's, it's not progressive base where God is the center of it, or, um, are they homeschool their kids. You know? It, it's, it's, um, it takes dedication. You know, another thing that Jesus said is that he who finds his life in this world will lose it, but he who loses his. for my sake, we'll find it. So it it, we have to give up our life in order to, um, to save our children. You know, we, we have to like, y you know, do what it takes and, and it, and sometimes it's, it's pretty extreme what we gotta do, but what's the option? What's, what's, what else is we're gonna lose the children if we don't do that. If people don't wake up right. To the fact that we're dealing with a very, very, Power and force that wants to take our children and destroy their souls. You know, just like the Soviet Union did, just like, um, the, the communist China did, just like, um, you know, Korea did. These places are evil. They're horrible. They're, they're, they're destructive to the human soul. And, and so it, it, it's gonna cost something to, um, to, to put a stop to this.
Deb: 29:57
Right. That's, and also just I wanna make a comment is, you know, that's why we have so much homelessness though, and, and drug addiction and everything. People are not happy. You know, they were told they were gonna be happy if they did this or this or that, and they, they turned out not to be happy. You know, they, people, couples went to work and they found other people to, you know, adultery came. To play, you know, because they were more conf, you know, they didn't see their husbands and wives that much and it turned out they confided in, uh, coworkers. And then things happen. The marriages break up because there's no commitment where, you know, I'm gonna help my husband and my husband's gonna help me because we see each other and we spend time with each. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. So the whole, and to have a mom and a dad is very, very important. You know, we both had mom and dads growing up and not that we didn't make mistakes cuz we grew up in the sixties and seventies, which kind of like took us over too. But the whole thing is that showed us that there was a standard. A standard, but now the poor kids have no idea. You say mom and dad? Oh, that's, you know what I mean? And it's like some people, some kids do have it, but they're being told that it's not really important. Right?
MizzyM: 31:16
Yes. That, that, that is true. And I think a lot of, um, adults have been told, you know, well, what feels good for you? Just do it. Right. Right.
Tom: 31:26
Exactly. And, and it's, and that, that abdicates, it doesn't really removes happiness, personal responsibility that you know. So, um, you know, that's, You know, the, the idea of the, uh, Western Christian padea, the, the word padea is a, is a Greek word, and it's, it's difficult to define in English, but it means deeply enculturated affections, thinking in virtues. uh, that are embedded in children by their rearing, molding and education. So a podea gives a culture power and direction. So under the Western Christian Padea, which, which America was under up until the sixties, you know, the, um, you know, there was an intellectual curiosity that was. Um, that was fostered and it inculcated virtue and reasonableness and wonder at the universe, an appreciation of beauty. And the, the American progressive pedea has replaced that beginning in the, with the sexual revolution in the sixties, with the, the supremacy of personal freedom control, your own identity, you know, um, being accepted for who you. So that dissipates personal responsibility, morals, virtue, introspection. So y y you know, there again, unless God comes back into the picture, unless um, you know, the Judeo-Christian principles of the Bible come back into the picture, there's no hope. You know, so we we're, there's two ways just quickly, I, I kind of, I know we're getting to the end of the time, but, um, There's two schools of thought of what to do about this. One is that the public school system is irredeemable and the only way to, it's like a huge ocean liner that's taken on water. and it, and it's just going down into hell. You know, and the only way to deal with that is to get as many children out of it as possible into alternative ways of educating them, you know, which requires a lot of sacrifice for parents. And the other option, well, it's also hard to
MizzyM: 33:36
do, oh, sorry, Tom. Oh, go ahead.
Tom: 33:38
Sorry. No, go, go ahead.
MizzyM: 33:39
No, what I was just saying is it's very hard to do that in some ways because if you look at the African American cult, you know, um, society where they, you know, were, um, I should say, not even just the African American group, but anyone who's living in (within) a certain income. Um, it's hard for them to take their children out of a public school system, unfortunately. Right. Even to put them in charter schools, it's so difficult cuz it goes by lottery. Right, right. And you know, I just think that maybe, um, there must be a way to construct a better public school system in those areas or um, maybe, yeah, that's the other option. Charter, charter schools, you know, something like that.
Tom: 34:21
It's hard Right. For some groups Right. That live in a certain society. Right, right. It's, uh, I, I agree. You know, there's, there's no other option for a lot of families, you know, they, they, they, they have to send their kids there. But, but even, even in the black community, um, homeschooling is, is taking root, right? So in, in every, in every culture in America, people are waking up, you know, of how bad the educational system. and, and, um, but, but to change those schools, that takes an immense amount of work and great sacrifice also, you know, to, to go to the school board meetings, to sit in meetings to find out what actually they're teaching the kids because they're hiding it. You know? We found that out in our community. They hide things and, and, uh, you know, and when, when they're confront. you know, are you, uh, are you teaching? And, and, um, confirming kids, uh, um, inter a transgender situation without the parents knowing it, they won't answer the question. They'll say, we're not doing anything that's against state law or federal law. So, in other words, they are doing it, but we, we have to find out. We have to take the veil off of that. But in order to do that, you, you know, you, we have to get our own spiritual. In order, you know, we have to, because we're dealing there with a huge spiritual force, and in order to combat it, we have to, uh, let God work through us in a very powerful way. And that doesn't mean being religious or even talking about God, but it means standing up for principles that that are.
Deb: 36:03
It's, it's, it's living, living a, a righteous life yourself. Because if you're lying, if you're stealing, if, if you're, you know, uh, committing adultery, You don't have any power against what's happening. You're agreeing with what they're doing. So, so if, if anybody is not, if we're doing that, not living the life, you know, there's no way to battle against evil because you're in the boat with them.
Tom: 36:30
Right. Or we're in the boat with them. Right. So, so I, you know, I don't discourage people to, you know, if they have any means to, to, um, to get their kids out of public school. I highly recommend it. But if they can't, then they gotta become, um, you know, warriors to fight against what, what's going on in the public schools. And it's a hard, hard nut to crack. But, um, but, um, you know, I, I kind of wanna, uh, le you know, um, say this one quote from Ronald Reagan that, um, he said, uh, freedom is never more than one generation away from extinct. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. So we, we have a, you know, a real battle on our hands. And, and it, it does take a lot of prayer and it does take a lot of, um, You know, introspection and reflection in our own lives in order to, uh, to fight that battle. You know, otherwise it won't succeed, you know, um, it says in the scriptures, if my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive their sin and I will heal their. So it, there has to be a great turning in the, in the, in our hearts, um, towards God and a great beseeching, uh, in our hearts for him to change it and to use us to change it in the right way. And God will use us if we ask him, you know, so, um, I know we've kind of gone over on our time,
MizzyM: 38:32
I think this is so fascinating. Um, what I actually would like to do is bring you back on again for maybe the part two because it's such a fascinating discussion and there's so much here that we can just delve into. Um, before I do leave for this session though, I did. Ask a couple of questions about the state of Connecticut. Um, okay. Since, you know, you both have attended a lot of Board of Ed meetings and been involved in the state, um, you know, I know that locally a lot of these standards and curriculum were decided by the localities, um, and the Board of Education in those localities. But, you know, I've also been told by a few people, but now it's controlled by the state. So it's very difficult to, um, get any real change in your local Board of ed, um, standards and rules because of that, because they've got their hands tied, even if they didn't believe in certain things about, um, C R T or transgenders, um, you know, like for example, including, um, physi physical boys or males in girl sports, you know? Right. Um, their hands are tied. So how do you think we can be able to combat that?
Tom: 40:01
Well, the, the, here's the, the deal, like from, from our experience that they don't have to, they, they can vote no on what the state is giving them. It's gonna be, it's gonna be a fight. But like, uh, from what we experienced, the, the Board of Education members actually thought they would be arrest. and go to jail if they voted against it. So what kind of choice is that? Right. You know, and, and think of this like how many times Martin Luther King went to jail, right? And, and they're not gonna put them in jail, number one. But like, you know, like one course that the state handed down that is, is, is nothing but a Marxist indoctrination. And we, we revealed that to the board and against their own principles. The Republicans on the board voted against it, uh, voted for it, except for one courageous soul who said, no, we we're not doing this. We don't care who is telling us to do that. We're not gonna do this to our children. You know? So, um, you know, so it, it, it, where do you find people like that? Where do you find, you know, um, people that aren't using even Republicans that are using the Board of Education as a step into a political career? you know, and, and that are willing to stand up. But first of all, they have to see what's going on. They have to take the time. And a lot of board members, they, they work. Um, you know, they're not paid. They're not paid. And they're, they, they have to work, uh, full-time jobs, full-time jobs, and, and they have families. So how much time actually can they put into it? So, you know, so it's like the very difficult for them to understand what's going on. Some of them don't have. Education, they don't know, know the history of it. Um, and so we tried to enlighten them and still they wouldn't do it. They didn't, they couldn't summon up the courage in their own hearts to do it. So it, it is very, very difficult. The poor children are being handed over. to a, a horrible, horrible situation, right? Yeah. Yeah. Cuz
Deb: 42:06
you know, with, with the children too, with the whole, the whole transgender movement, the children don't know anything at eight years old, they don't know anything. At 13, they think they know at 13, they think they know at 16. But then, you know, in reality, You know, I, I realized I knew nothing till I was 25, you know? And I thought I knew everything. And then at 25 I realized I knew nothing. And, you know, here I am in my late sixties thinking I know nothing You know what I mean? So it's like you can't do this to children and tell them, you know, to change their bodies and to think
Tom: 42:42
these thoughts, to, to have a ch a choice of which gender they are. Yeah. It's, it's just terrible. It's, it is. the, you know, there, there's a program in the public schools, you, maybe you've heard of it, of social emotional learning and they start it right at kindergarten. That's right, yeah. And, and it sounds so, um, benign, right? But what, but what it's doing, it's, it's, um, playing on the kids' empathy to accept things that are pure evil, you know, and to call evil good and good. You know, and, and, and it's so clever. It's so cleverly d devised that, um, you know, it's, it's difficult to point it out, uh, because they turn it around on you. It's like a trap, you know? Once you speak against it, then all of a sudden, you know, you're a racist, you're a homophobia, you're a transphobia. And we've been called all that and, but you know, it's like, I, it's, it's, I guess it's the, the price you pay if you, if you wanna step into the public arena, You know, and, and, um, and, and, and fight the good fight you know
MizzyM: 43:46
Yeah, exactly. And it's, it's hard for nowadays when you've got, you know, people being raided by the F B I and all these other things. Right, exactly. You know, or being, um, doxed, you know, by even people who knows your neighbor, you know, will, can report you. Right. So it's very difficult. Everybody's being put in a certain position, but I really feel like out of this, there'll be some real warriors that come out and just realize that it's the future of children, you know? Mm-hmm. that's the most important thing because once you lose that, you've lost everything. Right, right, right. Yeah. So, well I definitely wanna bring you both back cuz I think this was such, um, this is such an important topic and we need to, um, you know, discuss a little bit more further. I'm sure you guys wanna talk a little bit more further on some of the issues too. I also wanna, uh, focus next time on why it is that. You know, one side of a political party was able to harness and figure out how to, um, indoctrinate the kids by using the Board of Ed, um, membership. And why the other side, it just they failed in recognizing that right. And it, it seems like they're now on their back heels. Right. Definitely. And, uh, I, I would like to look at that too, um, for our next session. So is there any way, if someone's listening that they could be and they wanted to reach out to you, where, where would they be able to go?
Tom: 45:28
Okay. We have a, um, an, an email that. they can reach it. It's, it's IC history. It's uh, small I small C history 2021. gmail.com. That's IC history 2021 gmail.com. Okay. Yeah, they can, they can reach us there.
MizzyM: 45:50
Okay, great. So I'll also post that link, uh, email link to, um, you know, this episode. So I thank you both so very much. It, I, I'm really my eyes (have opened). I feel like I've been, once again, red pilled. So, um, okay. Well have a great day and hopefully we'll be able to schedule something to follow up this conversation pretty soon.
Tom: 46:16
Okay, good. Okay. My Thank you so much for having us. Thank you. God bless you. Bless you.
MizzyM: 46:35
You too.